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In English, we’ll be considering the structure of an adventure story, incorporating dialogue to convey character and develop the narrative. We will then explore the features of, and write our own, persuasive adverts using superlatives and powerful vocabulary. Lastly, we will be writing explanatory texts, using conjunctions and adverbs to express time and cause. In our Reading lessons, we’ll be diving into The Boy at the Back of the Class and studying the core text with different focuses at a time.


In Maths, we’ll be continuing to develop and strengthen our knowledge of fractions. We will be learning to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers, and vice versa and how to add and subtract fractions. We will also be learning about decimals and rounding them to the nearest whole number. We will be completing practical lessons as well as looking at word based problems to improve our reasoning skills.

History and Geography

This term we exploring our new IPC topic of ‘Different Places, Similar Lives’. This will be a geography and history based topic and so we will be learning about the similarities and differences between how people lead their lives in different countries throughout the world. Firstly, in Geography we’ll be interpreting maps of familiar and unfamiliar places, including digital maps as well as learning how to describe geographical features of our locality and continent. We will also be understanding how people's quality of life is impacted by local geographical features. In History, we will be selecting and recording relevant information from multiple sources. We will use this information to suggest reasons for particular events and changes and describe results and consequences of historical events.


In Science, we’ll be identifying how water animals have evolved to survive in their habitats and exploring how habitats affect living things. We will then be able to put our new learning to use when we visit the Horniman Museum.


Learning Links


Children can complete 2Dos and lots of fun learning activities!



Children can access learning activities.



Wonde is a dashboard to the children's online learning.



Children can practise their times tables, customise their character and become a rock legend.

BBC Bitesize


Curriculum Targets

The Statutory requirements for each year group and their specific targets can be found by clicking on the links below:



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