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Extra Curricular Clubs

We are working on our full club timetable for Autumn 2024.  In the meantime, as we receive individual club information it will be posted below and highlighted as new.  Please always check club dates when you book/pay as they do not run for all the weeks of the school term.


Awaiting confirmation that Saisei Ronnie is returning.


Autumn 2024 details: Francoise runs a French club on Monday after school for Years 4 to 6 and on Wednesdays for Years 1 to 3.  See timetable for contact information and dates and information on the flyers below.

Dance: Nicole's Dance

Autumn 2024 details: Nicole runs a dance club on Tuesday mornings, before school, for Years 3 and 4, on Wednesday mornings for Years Reception, 1 and 2 and on Thursday mornings for Years 5 and 6.  See timetable for dates and how to contact Nicole.

DD Buzz

Autumn 2024 details: DD Buzz is an exciting and dynamic class; incorporating team work, trust and confidence building, focus and concentration, imagination, characterization, and presentation, with focused drama games and exercises.

And exploration of movement, musicality, memory, and expression, with fun and varied dance routines.

Our aim is for every child to learn, grow, and express themselves in a caring, nurturing, and stimulating environment.

David and I both have extensive experience as professional performers in the West End and Internationally, as well as teaching Performing Arts to children of all ages.

DD Buzz is held on a Friday, after school for Years 1 to 6.  

The booking link is https://bookwhen.com/studiochislehurstevent


Autumn 2024 details: Unique Football Academy offers football for Years Reception, 1 and 2 on Tuesdays after school and for Years 3 to 6 on Thursdays after school.


Autumn 2024 details: CCF Chess Club offer Years 2 to 6 lunchtime chess club each Thursday.  Awaiting up-dated flyer.

Little Gymnastics

Autumn 2024 details: Sam is in each Friday morning, before school, for Years 1 to 6.  Awaiting up-dated flyer.

NEW Karate

Sensei Ellie Giles Karate will be coming in to run a new karate club - it is a great way to keep fit, make friends as well as gaining self confidence! All while learning to defend yourself!

NEW ELYS Musical Theatre

We love to boost confidence, get active and share our passion for musical theatre!  Our classes include singing, games, dancing and acting.  Led by trained performers.

NEW Stemgineers

Build interactive take-home projects, explore real-world concepts, collaboration and problem-solving skills.  Three clubs: Monday for Y1&2, Thursday for Y3&4 and Friday for Y5&6.

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