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Welcome to Reception

Welcome to Reception at Red Hill

In the Early Years at Red Hill we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life by teaching them skills and providing memorable experiences. We strive to create happy, confident and well-rounded individuals with a love of learning and to create success in the future. Adults provide high quality interactions and together with parents provide the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and fulfil their potential.

We would like to warmly welcome your child into Reception and are very much looking forward to watching them develop into independent learners as they start their journey through Red Hill Primary School.

At Red Hill we have three reception classes:-

RB - Mrs Balaj, Mrs Galloway & Mrs Budden

RM- Mrs Doyley-Mitson, Mrs O'Shea and Ms Young

RS - Miss Shepherd & Mrs O'Neill


Please click below to see half termly topic webs for Reception. These are working documents however, so they may change as we progress into the term.

Homework sheets

Reception are given home work on a Friday and this needs to be returned on a Wednesday. 

It includes the phonic sounds we have been learning, Maths questions linked to this weeks maths focus and a Topic question. 

Attached is also a recommended reading list.

Our Learning

In reception our topic this half term is Superheroes. The children came dressed up as their favourite Superhero and have immersed themselves in the story Supertato. They will be learning how to care for each other in our hospital role play and the children will be transitioning to year1. 


Independent Learning Opportunities

Teachers set up the classrooms with a range of exciting and engaging activities that are practical and multi-sensory. Activities are linked to the half termly topic or the key text for the week. Children have a wide range of resources in the classrooms that they can access freely to support their independent learning activities. Activities are set up to provide children with opportunities to practise their speaking and listening skills and encourage them to practise reading and writing throughout the day. 

Supporting your child with their learning at home


Below you will find some links to further support Maths at home.





Below you will find some links to further support reading at home.





Below you will find some links to further support Phonics at home.





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