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Welcome to Year 6 at Red Hill!


We would like to warmly welcome your child into Year 6 and we are very excited to support them on their journey through their final year at Red Hill Primary School!

At Red Hill, we have four Year 6 classes:-

6L Miss Long (Mrs Bishop) 

6M Miss Melvin

6FM Miss Marshall

6A Miss Argent

Our year group TAs are Mrs Smoothy and Mrs Saunders

Residential meeting PowerPoint and forms

Please see the attached PowerPoint for information regarding the Y6 residential, as well as the kit list and medical form. Medical forms must be filled in and returned prior to the trip, along with any medicine in a named bag.

If you have any questions that are not answered on here, please speak to your child's class teacher.


Please click below to see the curriculum map for Year 6 as well as the topic web for this half term. These are working documents however, so they may change as we progress into the term. The Year 6 Curriculum Meeting slides are also below.

Homework sheets

Instead of homework for Summer 2, we ask that the children learn the lyrics below for our production of 'Shakespeare Rocks'.

Attached is also a recommended reading list.


Our learning

Our topics for Summer Term are ‘Fairgrounds'. and ‘Art: create from waste’.

We all know that fairground rides are designed to ignite our senses, through fear, excitement and the unexpected, but how does this happen? How are these rides powered in a way which enables them to speed up and slow down at just the right moments, whilst staying on a track that twists upside down? These are all questions we will be answering as we use the science behind rides to create our own fairground rides and games!

Art: create from waste
We all know about the problems we have on this earth getting rid of all our waste. Waste finds its way to nature, harming animals, plants and eventually us. More and more artists are using waste and
discarded items these days to create powerful art. This art might be nice to see, but it also sends an important message. We can’t leave saving our planet to superheroes, we all need to get involved. In this unit we’ll be learning about what we can do with that waste instead of throwing it away.



In English, we will be completing extended pieces of writing based on a range of stimuli, including:

  • The Piano Man
  • Titanium
  • Alma
  • WW2 Cadburys Advert
  • ‘Dig for Victory’ garden instructions
  • War poems


Maths this half term will be a part of our 'Fairgrounds' topic. We will be completing an investigation into how to run a fairground, including budgets and finances!


Supporting your child with their learning at home


Reading should be completed a minimum of 3x a week, but ideally for 10 minutes each evening. This can be completed with an adult, or children can choose to read independently. If reading independently, children can record their reading session in their book but should get an adult to initial it. If reading to an adult, the adults need to record the reading session in the reading record, alongside a sentence or two about how the read and anything they found tricky. Reading records must be in school every day.

Homework books

Homework books are sent home on a Friday and must be returned to school on a Wednesday. Weekly homework includes:


A short maths challenge linking to the week’s learning. There will be 3 different challenges that your child can choose to complete depending on how confident they felt with that concept in class. Children should also log into TTRS (https://ttrockstars.com) and practise their multiplication recall.


Children will have 10 spellings sent home linking to a spelling pattern being taught in class. These will be tested in the spelling session on a Wednesday morning.


At the bottom of the homework will be some questions linking to the topics being taught in class. Please ask your children these questions and get them talking about all the incredible learning that is taking place in classrooms! This is a great chance for children to share all of their amazing knowledge.


PE days are as follows for Summer 2:

6L- Tuesday and Wednesday

6M- Tuesday and Wednesday

6FM- Wednesday and Friday

6A- Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure that children wear their Red Hill PE kits (jogging bottoms, Red Hill PE top, school jumper and trainers). Please also make sure children bring a hat and plenty of water on PE days due to warm weather.

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